Whoa! This spring has FLOWN by in a flurry of projects and chasing our twin toddlers. Apologies that it took a while this year to get forms updated and the info out to everyone. We are looking forward to the coming season and hope you'll join us!The signup form can be found online HERE. Please send in the completed form with payment; it greatly helps my record keeping, even if you're a past member. I'm happy to mail one to you if that's easier- just let me know and it will go out right away.
We are happy to announce that our CSA membership is not increasing in cost this year! The chickens are a bit higher as feed and growing costs have risen but we're doing our best to keep things as affordable and accessible as possible for our members. We once again ask everyone to pay by check or cash if at all possible: avoiding card transaction fees helps us keep our pricing lower. |
 | Available Now Local delivery available at no charge for orders over $25. - Asparagus $4.00/bunch Always too early in the garden to make it to the CSA program, these tasty spears are ready now!
- Cauliflower $2.50/lb This is an overwintering variety planted all the way back in last August. They grew super slowly and all of a sudden this spring *poof!* huge beautiful heads! I'm going to have to plant this every year!
- Swiss Chard $3.50/bunch Rainbow mix. Big beautiful leaves rich in vitamins.
- Dry Beans $5.00/pound Black, Peruano, Pinto, Vermont Cranberry
- Chicken $4.55/pound Frozen birds available anytime, FRESH available this week and next! (Let us know right away if you'd like fresh so we can plan to harvest for you to have them ready.)
- Eggs $4.00/dozen Chicken. Free-range as always.
- Eggs $6.00/dozen DUCK. Fertile, mostly Ancona. Give me some notice for these as the girls hide them all over the field and if I don't hunt for them promptly the guardian dogs enjoy them. I'm happy to gather them if you'd like, otherwise, we generally let the dogs have them or the mommas see if they want to hatch some.
- Bearded Irises FREE for Members! A super-early blooming heritage variety (name unknown). Purple, kind of half-high, what enthusiasts call "intermediate". It's not the perfect time to divide them, but they'll do just fine.
Fancy named varieties from my collection will be available later in the season! - Thornless Boysenberry Starts $5.00 A friendly version of the popular berry. These need support of some type that they can be trained to climb on. These are leafing out now so will be freshly potted or packed in compost for immediate planting.
- Tayberry Starts $5.00 These are a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry with a short harvest window but they are so, so good. Vines are thorny like a raspberry and they require a trellis of some sort to be trained to. These are leafing out now so will be freshly potted or packed in compost for immediate planting.
- 'Anne' Golden Raspberry Starts $5.00 A customer and Dylan's favorite! Canes are relatively upright and can get by without trellising although something like a tomato cage helps. They will spread by underground roots so plan for an area that's welcomed or consider a large pot like a half whiskey barrel to contain them. These are leafing out now so will be freshly potted or packed in compost for immediate planting.
100% Grass-Fed Beef! 1-quarter share left: $738.13, ready now. This will be the only beef we have available in 2022 as the processors are booked well into spring of 2023 already. Some by-the-cut sales may be available in coming weeks but selection will be limited. |  |
 | A Dose of CUTE We have baby goats! This spring our goat mamas gave me plenty of drama having their little ones during the coldest temps of the year and having some medical drama on top of it. Four of the little ones became bottle babies and as a result, they are extremely friendly and fun to play with. If anyone wants to swing by and love on these little sweeties you're welcome to do so! Just let me know when so I can be available to show you around. |
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